About Us
How Did It Start?
On April 10th, 2017 the world lost an amazing man to a battle I knew nothing about. Later that year on October 14th I learned we lost one of the best fisherman of the lake to the same invisible war. That winter I decided you are either part of the problem or part of the solution. I founded Reeling for Recovery with the goal of helping youth that were struggling with addiction. Since then we have donated all the proceeds to help the Champlain Valley Family Center. For those of you who are not familiar with them, they are one of the largest recovery programs in the Adirondacks. They work with schools, youth, families and the community to provide education, support, with all levels of counseling around substance use prevention. We provide direct services to at-risk youth in both student assistance counseling and during our summer program, both of which support our youth in making good decisions, reaching goals and reinforcing academic success. Prevention services are key to building protective factors in youth to prevent substance use.
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